Do you already have BullCharts software, or are you trialling it?
Date and Time - Is the date and time of this event suitable for you, or would you prefer a different day/time (please provide details)?
BullCharts experience level? - What would you say is your level of experience with BullCharts?
Trading experience level? - What would you say is your level of experience with trading?
BullCharts tips and hints - Would you like to see a demonstration of some BullCharts tips and hints?
Trading strategies - Are you interested in "sharing" trading strategies and ideas? ie. hear about other people's strategies, or possibly share your own?
Real (case study) trades - Are you interested in "sharing" information about real trades? That is, hear about using BullCharts to find a trade, and the result (either someone else's trade, or share your own trade)?
Special request? - Is there any special software feature, or any specific question or topic that you would like to see covered?
Are you a member of Brainy's Share Market Toolbox (this gives you access to a lot of eBook (pdf) Articles on BullCharts and more)
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