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Organization Website:
Please check which description best fits your organization
(Please Select)
Municipal Shelter
Rescue Group
Humane Society
Privately Run Shelter
Please select an answer
Does your facility accept birds?
(Please Select)
No - if you answer no, you can go to the last question on this registration page
Please select an answer
If you answered yes to the above question, approximately how many birds does your shelter take in each year?
Approximately how many birds has your organization/shelter placed in the past year? (Please include adoptions to homes, transfers to other shelters, placement facilities, or permanent sanctuaries)
Does your shelter receive calls about lost, abandoned, or unwanted birds?
(Please Select)
Of the three factors below, select the most problematic to your taking in birds?
(Please Select)
Facility limitations (space/housing)
Qualified staff/volunteer support
Suitable adoption/placement options
In the case of facility limitations, select the most problematic to your taking in birds.
(Please Select)
Inadequate space
No separate quarantine
Lack of suitable enclosures/caging
No bird safe area
Are your staff and/or volunteers able to care for the birds in your shelter?
(Please Select)
What is their level of experience with birds?
(Please Select)
No experience at all
Some experience
Very experienced
Does your shelter work with a veterinarian experienced with birds?
(Please Select)
When placing birds, do you have the most difficulty finding:
(Please Select)
Qualified adopters (homes)
Qualified placement partners (rescue groups)
IMPORTANT! Please list below questions that you would like to see the presenter address during this webinar discussing obstacles to starting an exotic bird program at your facility. Include questions about ‘big picture’ concerns and decisions that you face to take in birds: space, qualified avian medical care & other support services, staff/volunteer training, overall environment & safety, handling.
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